An Expanding Ministry? : DAK Ministry Update May 9, 2017
Dear Friends,
Wow! A whole year has passed without sending you news! Those of you who read my WordShare Prayer Page on Facebook, are regularly updated, but that does not excuse me from communicating with my non Facebook friends! Yes, I have been very busy, some may say too much, my brain seems quite stretched at times – teaching a variety of courses in Bible schools, checking a variety of translated books, occasionally working on developing resources, and getting involved in the new ministry of consultant training and mentoring.
The geography of my ministry is in the process of being redefined – uncertain future for working with the Ngas in Nigeria, but new possible opportunities for both Congo’s (Kinshasa and Brazzaville), more work right here at home in Burkina, and solicitation from as far away as the Asian continent! The biggest surprise was receiving an invitation to teach Biblical geography at a youth camp in a village north of Ouagadougou! But solicitations for my resources continue to come from anywhere, most lately from various parts of Africa. We are thankful for the opportunities to serve.
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Sharing God's Word through teaching, pastoring, and Bible translation
Commission to Every Nation and Mennonite Mission Network
Skype: annegk1, d.kompaore

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