Saying Goodbye, Hello!
Anne and Daniel Kompaoré, August 31, 2011
Greetings of peace and love to all of you!
Way back in 1982, I was commissioned by First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, where I was a grad student in linguistics, to serve under Commission on Overseas Mission of the General Conference Mennonite Church and Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (AIMM) as a linguist among the Sicite people in then Upper Volta. Over the years church structures changed, assignments changed, and even my 'home' church and the name of the country I serve (!), not to speak of my change in marital status. However, during all those changes, I continued to serve in Burkina Faso in the areas of linguistics and Bible translation. I want to thank from the bottom of my heart, first of all, James Bertsche, former director of Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, who seeing my interest in African languages after my volunteer stint in then Zaïre, tapped my shoulder for a possible assignment in Upper Volta among the Senufo people. Sensing God's call, I moved ahead and have lived through many adventures and trials, highs and lows, but always so extremely grateful for the constant support through all these years to do what I always have loved to do. Thank you to Mennonite Women Canada for recognizing me through the contribution to my support in the last several years.Thank you one and all who have supported me through your prayers, encouragement and finances, who have opened up your churches to me so I could share with you what God is doing in Burkina Faso. I have always been overwhelmed when someone comes up to me and says, I wanted to meet you, Anne, because I pray for you regularly. These people are not always on my newsletter list, but I want to give tribute to them, because I am convinced that God's hand of protection, health, and guidance has been on me through all of these years because of your and their prayers.
With the transition from Mennonite Church Canada WITNESS to Commission to Every Nation, I am living through the most profound support structure change in my career, and yet my activities as a free lance consultant and trainer remain consistent with my sense of call, for which I am so deeply grateful to God. One exciting development is that CTEN also allows Daniel and I, representing two denominations, to serve as a couple. Some of you will want to continue to support us in our work; others will want to transition to supporting some other ministry. And maybe a few of you who enjoy reading my newsletters or who have recently heard about us will say - maybe now is the time to show our solidarity with Daniel and Anne's work in Burkina.
The month of August has been transition month and at the same time, I have been trying to take a few days vacation, but not succeeding very well! Between now and the end of September, I am researching and writing a small article on translating Psalms for a francophone translation journal, preparing a workshop on exploring the meanings and translation of Hebrew words in the Ten Commandments for the Siamou translation team, and preparing course materials for teaching Biblical Geography at the Institut Biblique du Benin . (The work expenses of the latter two ministries are supported by Mennonite Church Canada Witness, Mennonite Mission Network, and AIMM). In October and November, I will be busy teaching and consulting, using the resources that I will have prepared. So I covet your prayers as I organize my time for all of these activities in the next few months, and take time to rest and re-engerize as needed.
One important transition is the matter of health coverage, something that I never had to worry about under Witness. Living in Burkina, I do not qualify for Canadian Medicare, and besides, I wanted find something that could cover both Daniel and I. Americans will fully empathize with my dilemma of the past weeks as I sought to check out several possibilities. Imagine trying to find something that accepts seniors and non-Americans, does not penalize me for my high blood pressure issues and is not exorbitantly expensive as one grows older! Impossible, you say? Well praise God, we found a solution in a Christian Health organization that not only has accepted us, they also give a discount for seniors! If you are curious, ask me. My thanks to AIMM administrative officer, Lola Gingerich, for accepting to take care of the administrative side of this engagement for the coming year (They require a U.S. address).
Another subject of praise is our new relationship with Mennonite Mission Network of Mennonite Church U.S.A, as International Partner Associate. This new relationship recognizes my continuing link with the Mennonite Church and ministries through the fundamental reasons for my linguistics and Bible translation work: that of the attachment to Biblical Scriptures and its message of reconciliation and peace with God and our fellow human beings through our Lord Jesus Christ. It will allow the Mennonite Church in the U.S.A. to keep in touch with our ministry and to offer prayer support and encouragement for us. Thank-you!
And last and certainly not least, praise God for friends and family, including my church family at Listowel Mennonite for providing me with counsel, encouragement, and help in developing our website during this big transition time!
For those of you who have already decided not to continue with us on our journey, I want to thank you again for being by our side during these years. God's blessing to you as you continue to serve God. May your gifts to whatever ministry you support bear much fruit.
For those of you who are considering the possibility of journeying with us, the rest of this letter is for you. If you would like to know more, contact me (Anne) or check out the following documents on our website or ask us to send them by Email or Regular Mail : Introducing our Ministry under CTEN, Financial Status, and Endorsements Here are some items for prayer (See the addresses and weblinks in the box below if you would like to contribute financially) :
· That God will raise up a support team for our ministry in Burkina and West Africa
· Daniel's ministry as leader of his denomination, Apostolic Mission Church (the first AIC church in Burkina)*
· My (Anne's) preparations for my various travels and activities in October and November
· Special project: Rebuilding and Roofing for Daniel's church plant in Ouaga $7,123 ($536 received so far. Thank-you!)**
· Special project: Bible School Bursaries for 2 Burkina Mennonite students for one year***: $1500
· Someone to manage and send out our newsletters in Canada (write me if you would like to volunteer)
We plan to come to North America in June 2012 for official orientation to Commission to Every Nation in Kerrville, Texas. From there we want to visit friends and family in the U.S. before continuing on to Canada, perhaps staying until October. Let us know if you and/or your church are interested in a visit from us.
Thank-you again! And may God bless each and every one of you as serve our great Lord where ever you are, whatever you do!
Anne and Daniel Kompaore
01 BP 1632, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
Facebook: Anne Kompaore, Daniel Komaore Skype: annegk1
Telephone: Home 011 26 50 34 28 07 Anne's Cell 011 226 76 41 12 55, Daniel's Cell 011 226 76 62 29 42
Emails:, Website:
If you want to get frequent tidbits of news, sign on as friend with Anne Kompaore on Facebook.
All Canadian gifts for the Kompaore ministry through CTEN are tax-deductible.
If you would like to be deleted from our newsletter list please drop us a line, but if you would like to continue receiving our news, we would also be happy to know.
* More on the Apostolic Mission Church in future newsletters.
**See our July 28 Newsletter for news on the wind damage done to the building under construction.
***This request is coming to you from the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso.