The Joys and Griefs of Christmas 2008
- What of 2009?
Anne Garber Kompaoré
Skype contact: annegk1, Personal
It all happened on
Christmas eve here in Burkina.
As my sister Ruth
said in her newsletter a few days ago - there is really something
special in seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child. In my case,
Daniel Traoré is a young adult from Kotoura (the late Cheba's
son) experiencing a Christmas eve worship service - or maybe
we should say concert - Ouaga style for the first
time. At the main Apostolic Mission
church, the band was out in full force, the young people made up about
three quarters of congregation, and from 9pm to midnight there
was constant singing and dancing except for a small interval
where the pastor slipped in a sermon. Several choirs
gave their numbers; there was a funny play about not asking your
parents too much for Christmas - the Daddy in the
play ended up in jail because he took out a loan he
could not pay back in order to please the demands of his children. A
male - 2 female trio provided beautiful rhythmic harmony
of a variety of tunes originating from Burkina, South Africa,
and North America, including 'Because He
lives, I can face tomorrow, ... because I
know He holds the future...' translated
into the Moore language.
And of course the evening would not have been complete without the
current Christian hit song of Ouagadougou (in French): I am
full of joy, oh such great joy, I am overwhelmed with emotion
because Yahweh has liberated me. As the
volume increases and the beat picks up, the women get up and begin
dancing down the aisles, and the young men literally run down the
aisles in exuberation of the proclamation of the good
news. Sorry not much in the way of traditional
Christmas tunes! Then
the songs slowed down to a time of more sober worship and contemplation
before the final meditation of the evening.
Daniel was just thrilled by the evening. A little different from the
Mennonite Christmas celebrations in Kotoura and Orodara!
At the same time, on
Christmas eve, Father John of the Cross Hien, breathed his last breath,
after an agonizing two day respiratory illness. I learned of his
passing at the end of a long and busy Christmas day, and decided to
join the Bible Society director in the 4 hour drive on Dec. 26 to
Diebougou for the funeral. Ever since his ordination as priest in 1997,
Father John had been dedicated to the translation of the Bible into the
Dagara language. Last year they dedicated the publication of the New
Testament, and this year they were about two thirds of the way through
the Old Testament. Father John was the coordinator of the project and
the only one who was competent with the Bible translation software that
is now used for facilitating the task. So his presence will
be sorely missed. He was only 39 years old.
Father John of the Cross
Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." NIB
When I sent out
correspondence to the different translation teams concerning plans for
2009, I included the above verse.
The tragic passing
of Father John gives much pause for reflection as we move into
2009. Father John had faithfully submitted a very full schedule of
activity for 2009, just a few short weeks before his death. There is no
doubt now that the team will not be able to
accomplish all of those plans this year. Suddenly all those well laid
plans are cast aside, and we have so many question marks about how the
Dagara work will move ahead.
My own schedule
appears to be more than full for this coming year. I am not sure I will
be able to accomplish everything that there is to do. But I seek to
serve God faithfully and to do only that which He gives me the
strength and energy to do!
May our great God
also direct and lead you daily giving you strength and joy in all that
you do during this coming year.
Anne Garber Kompaoré
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